

I love to hear from people who use my software or are considering it. You can contact me by email: mpsoftware 'at' (just replace 'at' with @). I will try respond to your request as quickly as possible. Thank you!

I started MPSOFTWARE back in 1998. I must have been around 15 years old. I did not have a computer fast enough to run the cool games back than. Instead I got fascinated by the internet and it's possibilities and began to develop freeware programs that could help other people creating cool websites for the emerging internet. Over the past 15 years I have created programs like phpDesigner and htmlGate with downloads in more than 100+ countries world-wide.

MPSOFTWARE is a privately held company based in Denmark and always open for new partnerships and opportunities.

My philosophy has been keeping the end-user in mind, because nobody knows what works better than you do. Every idea counts and this approach has shaped my programs over the years. The goal is to make programs that helps you make better websites!

About the people

It's just me behind but over the years, many fantastic people have helped me especially Krystian Bigaj one of the brightest coders I have ever meet and to those of you who have contributed with feedbacks and translations - thank you all!

Michael Pham. Owner.

I do everything from brewing my coffee to manage the business, code and supporting you.
I hold a master degree in Business Administration and Business Computing, CBS.

You are welcome to connect with me on